SVR-ProjectsVibe Tribe
Richard Schumacher



SVR 2001-3 | Release 01/2014


One of the most fascinating things to observe in life is growth, be it a planted seed developing into a tree, or a child mastering its first steps of independence, the opportunities to stand back in wonder will never cease. We may wish for the child or seed to blossom along a save path, but nature will always have a few surprises along the way. Enter the need to improvise, in life as well as in music, you soon come to appreciate the charme of instinct to guide you through these moments, however big the challenge may appear at first glance. 

In music, hearing a little melody, jotting it down and allowing for it to slowly unfold its very own character, is always a welcome, if unpredictable invitation to adventure… but without trying to stay out of the way of its natural development, the trip may come to an end rather quickly, so due respect is called for by honouring the melody’s “Right Of Way”. 

Once the so-called tune was completed, it seemed to offer itself as the title track of the album. Considering the nature what “being on the way” entails to begin with, an underyling string of ideas came to the surface, motifs, that seemed to be somehow connected. Like “Oklahoma Willy”, forever trying his luck on his way to true love, or “Autumn”, with its moments of serenity and hope, as well as “One Year Ago”, dedicated to the memory of my late father. All these individually written “travel scenes”, if you will, only in the end of the journey start to complete the picture. 

Time and again, to me, the beauty of instinct in music derives from the fact, that I always feel somewhat secure in following it, although never quite knowing where it will take me, or by which means… there is an unconditional sense of trust and truth involved, similar to your way in life. You don’t go far without it. Especially these days, with musicians facing numerous difficulties trying to keep their music alive and prospering, the ongoing support of our listeners has equally become of vital importance and continues to be the strongest motivation to keep moving on – so, we look forward to see you down the road!

Richard Schumacher
November 2013

"Richard Schumacher im Pantheon der Gitarristen – ein amerikanisch sozialisierter Gitarrist der Extraklasse"

"Richard Schumacher hat es mit seinem aktuellen Album definitiv aufs Treppchen geschafft, wo Fusiongrößen vom Schlag eines Bill Evans oder eines Michael "Patches" Stewart zu Hause sind"

"Seit vielen Jahren ist Gitarrist Richard Schumacher ein Garant für erstklassigen Fusionjazz"


01. RIGHT OF WAY 7:07
03. ONE YEAR AGO 8:56
05. ZAIHE 6:58
07. ON THE RISE 8:42
08. AUTUMN 9:39






“A guitarist spends half his time tuning up, and the other half he is out of tune”
John McLaughlin